Hi guys pls help me rn. Check the full thread

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  • Hello

    I have a critical problem where I can't join my own server whilst my friends can join my server

    I'm using usb tethering to play and I'm usb tethering to play on my server for past 2 yrs and suddenly It is not coming up. I play normally with ping from 310ms to 250ms. I do have a ping of 300 and 287 but still I can't connect.

    It has been happening recently. I'm not sure wtf is wrong. I don't know whether my network is bad or my pc is bad or the server is bad. Even my friend with high speed WiFi is unable to access the server. he is able to play in hypixel too. But my other two friends are casually joining my server.

    I have been the admin since I started the server.In nearly two years we had 4 seasons (or resets) in the 4th reset I'm not able to play. I have started this reset in March 15 an I got about 1 and a half stack of Dia. suddenly from today I'm not able to join.

    Here is all the details I have written elaborately for giving you guys accurate details Pls don't get mad at me.

    Thanks in advance to whomever resolving this and to whomever putting effort to find a solution:aternos:

  • It differs

    Sometimes I will get disconnected, Timed out and other time I will get that existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host and such stuff

    When I join the server it will be full void, nothing will be loaded and I will be kicked out

  • I thought of trying what you've said before posting this thread but I unable due to very long queue. I'll try tomorrow [It is 10:30pm for me now]. Coz I'm able to connect quickly at noon at my zone. I think this may also be due to high network traffic caused by the virus .I don't know but Thank You for coming up with some solutions

    EDIT [IST 10:33] :

    I'm able to access to another aternos server at a ping of 380ms. I'm actually more confused right now. I think maybe the server MOBO be corrupted or related server issues which is not allowing me in the server.PLease help me out guys Im really scared rn. I can't now force people to migrate to another ip. Thanks in advance

  • Ya..... But I changed my server to another account and it is working fine for me. Actually now I don't have the normal Internet connection since July 2019. I sticked with Usb tethering as it works fine as the normal Internet connection.As I mentioned previously I'm getting a ping of 320ms to 260ms. But I found something.......

    After the reset of the server which I was unable to join Is now functioning properly. Which now I came into a conclusion that Server machine is alright while player data or the world may be corrupted.

    Well sorry for giving a wrong info that the server MOBO has been corrupted. I just said because I had an assumption that the server hardware might be the one causing the problem

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.