Please Help, I Keep Getting Timed Out

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  • Hello there I am experiencing a problem with aternos servers, my brother and I play on his server but since today morning, 24.03.2020, I am not able to login in to the server. Every time I tried it would let me join but loose connection immediately with a timed out message. We both use the same premium account but I play-offline with a different username, no difference from cracked. The server does allow cracked players to join and we have played together simultaneously. Because of this issue I wanted to experiment and tried to join with a different username, from a different device, and downloaded the world and uploaded to my own account to launch the server from there. Unfortunately no solution so far.

    Is there some sort of a limit to how much you can play within a time period? Because I played approximately 44 hours in 3 days, 21.03.2020-23.03.2020. Any help/suggestions is highly appreciated.


  • I have the same problem, and I know it's not a bad connection, I know this because Im able to join other servers halfway across the world. It's not just my computer, it's my friends as well. I was able to connect to it before, but right after I installed some plugins (skywars via spigot/bukkit) it kept saying timed out. I have tried the following but have failed.

    Using DynIP

    Flushing DNS cache

    Changing DNS Server

    Uninstalling/Reinstalling MineCraft

    Restarting my computer

    Reinstalling Server Plugins

    Computer Specs:

    MacBook Air 2017

    Thats about it


  • Having the exact same problem here. Not my connection. The game runs clean with no lag for the first 20 seconds and then the server just throttles my connection completely and gives me the message that I am timed out.

  • У меня та же проблема, я иду на сервер и у меня есть только 1 загруженный чанк после этого сервер пишет Время истекло и сервер больше не открывается мне нужно ждать 30 минут ради 5 попыток

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.