1.16.1 can't join a modded server

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  • I've tried using Dyn IP and the regular IP, and after opening the log, I found these:

    13342[01Oct2020 22:12:50.651] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 33768ms or 675 ticks behind
    13343[01Oct2020 22:13:01.324] [Netty Epoll Server IO #5/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.network.NetworkRegistry/NETREGISTRY]: Channels [usefulbackpacks:curios,comforts:main,quark:main,cfm:network,patchouli:main,uteamcore:network,abnormals_core:net,botania:chan,curios:main,autoreglib:main] rejected their client side version number
    13344[01Oct2020 22:13:01.349] [Netty Epoll Server IO #5/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.network.FMLHandshakeHandler/FMLHANDSHAKE]: Terminating connection with client, mismatched mod list
    13345[01Oct2020 22:13:01.385] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.network.login.ServerLoginNetHandler/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@301c77ff[id=<null>,name=YukiNekoya,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Connection closed - mismatched mod channel list

    Extra Info:
    I've matched every single mod in the server and in my PC, except some client side mods like Xaeros Minimap. I've also tried removing the client side mods, still not working.
    Only I have tried logging in so far, to test the server.

    This server is a 1.16.1 forge server, which means I add all the mods by hand.

  • Actually, you don't have the same mods with the same version on your pc.

    The log says the list of mods you are missing: usefullbackpacks, comforts, quarck, cfm, uteamcore, abnormales_core, botania, curios and autoreglib.

    If you are sure you have them on your pc, check if the version of the mods are the same on your server and your pc as well.

  • Actually, you don't have the same mods with the same version on your pc.

    The log says the list of mods you are missing: usefullbackpacks, comforts, quarck, cfm, uteamcore, abnormales_core, botania, curios and autoreglib.

    If you are sure you have them on your pc, check if the version of the mods are the same on your server and your pc as well.

    I've actually done that, and so far all the versions are the same. maybe I should try redownloading the files?

  • I might or might not have found the problem. when I run my game in singleplayer, none of the mods load into my TLauncher. maybe it's the TLauncher's problem? still not sure.

  • Problem solved! Thanks for your help. The problem lies in my .mods file. To organize things, I always create another folder in the mods folder for every version of minecraft I play. Thus I created a folder named 1.16.1 to put my 1.16.1 mods in. apparently all of the mods in that file won't read. It worked just fine before, is this part of the later forge?
    P.S. I'm very new in this forum, can someone please close the thread for me? many thanks!

  • Problem solved! Thanks for your help. The problem lies in my .mods file. To organize things, I always create another folder in the mods folder for every version of minecraft I play. Thus I created a folder named 1.16.1 to put my 1.16.1 mods in. apparently all of the mods in that file won't read. It worked just fine before, is this part of the later forge?
    P.S. I'm very new in this forum, can someone please close the thread for me? many thanks!

    Only Moderators can close threads. Also the Owner of the thread can close threads.

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.