Heyo, hope all is well for everyone in 2021 so far!
I recently loaded in Life In The Village 2 as a modpack on my server, and I've found that some mods do not have their config files in the Aternos serverconfig folder, meaning I am unable to adjust their server side configs as they are not adjustable from my client, as that only adjusts my client settings. If there's an obvious way about this, then please pardon my lack of knowledge around your server management UI, I am just unable to find the respective config folder. I understand the client configs are client side meaning they don't matter in terms of the server settings, its more the config files that adjust the world gen and such, like Project vibrant journey's biomes, which are disabled by default by the modpack creator, which I would like to reenable. This is just one example of a change I wanted to do, but couldn't due to the lack of a config file to edit.
For reference, I will attach a screenshot of the config files in the serverconfigs section of your website's UI, which total to only 18 files (some of which don't actually have settings that adjust the mod's main functions but are just very minor changes), which there should be more for configurating the files of other mods. It does not seem to contain any of the common files which also adjust settings such as world generation and the likes, which I would assume would be in the server files as the server is the host of the world, not my computer client.
As a note, I have downloaded the modpack's server zip file and inspected it myself, it contains all the config files so I would assume they are adjustable and actively affect the server's world.
Thank you for your time!