i can't join my server

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  • by the way my friend can join my server. but when joining in server will stop

    [13:54:13] [Server thread/INFO]: S4TOs joined the game
    38[13:54:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
    39z: Ticking entity
    40 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(SourceFile:885) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    41 at adr.b(SourceFile:322) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    42 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(SourceFile:825) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    43 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.v(SourceFile:671) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    44 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(SourceFile:263) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    45 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?]
    46Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "dnm.a()" because "$$1" is null
    47 at dnt.c(SourceFile:109) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    48 at dnl.b(SourceFile:72) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    49 at dnq.a(SourceFile:43) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    50 at biq.a(SourceFile:204) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    51 at biq.a(SourceFile:176) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    52 at biq.a(SourceFile:153) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    53 at biq.a(SourceFile:122) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    54 at biq.a(SourceFile:225) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    55 at bks$e.a(SourceFile:959) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    56 at bks$e.e(SourceFile:917) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    57 at bhq.e(SourceFile:65) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    58 at bge.a(SourceFile:119) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    59 at bge.b(SourceFile:110) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    60 at azt.eL(SourceFile:751) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    61 at azr.w_(SourceFile:2624) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    62 at azt.w_(SourceFile:551) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    63 at ayz.w_(SourceFile:127) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    64 at bkr.w_(SourceFile:57) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    65 at bks.w_(SourceFile:517) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    66 at azr.k(SourceFile:2369) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    67 at azt.k(SourceFile:351) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    68 at bks.k(SourceFile:300) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    69 at aeq.a(SourceFile:704) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    70 at cef.a(SourceFile:465) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    71 at aeq.a(SourceFile:365) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    72 at cwl.a(SourceFile:54) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    73 at aeq.a(SourceFile:333) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    74 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(SourceFile:881) ~[server-22w16b.jar:?]
    75 ... 5 more
    76[13:54:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /server/./crash-reports/crash-2022-04-25_13.54.15-server.txt
  • -- Entity being ticked --


    Entity Type: minecraft:bee (bks)

    Entity ID: 329

    Entity Name: Bee

    Entity's Exact location: -1783.40, 64.21, 345.03

    Entity's Block location: World: (-1784,64,345), Section: (at 8,0,9 in -112,4,21; chunk contains blocks -1792,-64,336 to -1777,319,351), Region: (-4,0; contains chunks -128,0 to -97,31, blocks -2048,-64,0 to -1537,319,511)

    Download the world to singleplayer then kill the ticking entity and upload the world back