Hello, first of all I would like to clarify that I am a Spanish speaker, so if someone knows Spanish, it would be the best, otherwise, I use the translator without problems.
Ok, it turns out that I use Aternos approximately, and this is the second time this has happened to me with another server, I use version 1.17.1 with OptiFine, so far so good.
Obviously, my server has mods, and yesterday I installed some new ones (approx. 4) and everything was fine, today I connect and was playing and suddenly the server closes, I reconnect and it says "Server Closed", another I try more and I get this message: io.netty.channel.abstractchannel$annotatedconnectexception: connection refused: no further information
then the server in aternos was saved and closed and crashed, I tried deleting the mods that I had previously added and leaving the ones that we always had working for a while, and still, it does not let me enter, it is as if the world itself, is crasheo, it should be noted that the world does not have much since it is barely 1 week old and we have not done anything relevant since we play very little, I leave the record https://mclo.gs/tYPFbia
I would appreciate your help, we really do not want to lose the whole process that we have done for the second time